Phantom: Privacy-Preserving Deep Neural Network Model Obfuscation in Heterogeneous TEE and GPU System
Juyang Bai, Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Jingtao Li, Fan Yao, Chaitali Chakrabarti and Deliang Fan
In USENIX Security
IvLeague: Side Channel-resistant Secure Architectures Using Isolated Domains of Dynamic Integrity Trees
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy and Fan Yao
In IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)
2024MetaLeak: Uncovering Side Channels in Secure Processor Architectures Exploiting Metadata
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Hao Zheng and Fan Yao
In IEEE/ACM Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA)
2024DeepVenom: Persistent DNN Backdoors Exploiting Transient Weight Perturbations in Memories
Kunbei Cai, Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Zhenkai Zhang and Fan Yao
In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)
2024PowSpectre: Powering Up Speculation Attacks with TSX-based Replay
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Zhenkai Zhang and Fan Yao
In ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS)
2024VITA: ViT Acceleration for Efficient 3D Human Mesh Recovery via Hardware-Algorithm Co-Design
Shilin Tian, Chase Szafranski, Ce Zheng, Fan Yao, Ahmed Louri, Chen Chen, Hao Zhen
In ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)
2024WBP: Training-time Backdoor Attacks through Weight Bit Poisoning
Kunbei Cai, Zhenkai Zhang, Qian Lou and Fan Yao
In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
D-Shield: Enabling Processor-side Encryption and Integrity Verification for Secure NVMe Drives
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Myoungsoo Jung, Fan Yao and Amro Awad
In IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)
2023BeKnight: Guarding against Information Leakage in Speculatively Updated Branch Predictor
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Zhenkai Zhang and Fan Yao
In IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)
2023Decepticon: Attacking Secrets of Transformers
Mujahid Al Rafi, Yuan Feng, Fan Yao, Meng Tang, and Hyeran Jeon
In IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)
2023TunneLs for Bootlegging: Fully Reverse-Engineering GPU TLBs for Fun and Challenging Isolation Guarantees of NVIDIA MIG
Zhenkai Zhang, Tyler Allen, Fan Yao, Xing Gao and Rong Ge
In ACM Computer and Communications Security Conference (CCS)
2023Understanding and Characterizing Side Channels Exploiting Phase Change Memories
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Rickard Ewetz, Amro Awad and Fan Yao
In IEEE Micro
2023 STREAM: Towards READ-based In-Memory Computing for Streaming Based Processing for Data-Intensive Applications
M. Rashed, S. Thijssen, F. Yao, SK Jha, and R. Ewetz
In IEEE Trans. on Computer-aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)
DeepSteal: Advanced Model Extractions Leveraging Efficient Weight Stealing in Memories
Adnan Siraj Rakin+, Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy+, Fan Yao and Deliang Fan (+ Co-first authors)
In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)
2022Graphics Peeping Unit: Exploiting EM Side-Channel Information of GPUs to Eavesdrop on Your Neighbors
Zihao Zhan, Zhengkai Zhang, Sisheng Liang, Fan Yao, Xenofon Koutsoukos
In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P)
2022On the Feasibility of Training-time Trojan Attacks Through Hardware-based Faults in Memory
Kunbei Cai, Zhenkai Zhang and Fan Yao
In IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
2022LockedDown: Exploiting Contention on Host-GPU PCIe Bus for Fun and Profit
Mert Side, Fan Yao and Zhenkai Zhang
In IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P)
2022CLAIRVOYANCE: Exploiting Far-field EM Emanations of GPU to “See” Your DNN Models through Obstacles at a Distance
Sisheng Liang, Zihao Zhan, Fan Yao, Long Cheng and Zhenkai Zhang
In IEEE Workshop on Offensive Technologies colocated with S&P
2022Hybrid Digial-Digital In-Memory Computing
Muhammad Rashedul Haq Rashed, Fan Yao, Sumit Kumar Jha and Rickard Ewetz
In Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE)
2022STREAM: Towards READ-based In-Memory Computing for Streaming based Data Processing
Muhammad Rashedul Haq Rashed, Sven Thijssen, Sumit Kumar Jha, Fan Yao and Rickard Ewetz
In IEEE Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)
LADDER: Architecting Content and Location-aware Writes for Crossbar Resistive Memories
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Muhammad Rashedul Haq Rashed, Amro Awad, Rickard Ewetz and Fan Yao
In IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)
2021Leaking Secrets through Modern Branch Predictor in the Speculative World
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy and Fan Yao
In IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC)
2021NMT-Stroke: Diverting Neural Machine Translation through Hardware-based Faults
Kunbei Cai, Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Zhenkai Zhang and Fan Yao
In IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED)
2021R-SAW: New Side Channels Exploiting Read Asymmetry in MLC Phase Change Memories
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Rickard Ewetz, Amro Awad and Fan Yao
In IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED)
2021T-BFA: Targeted Bit-Flip Adversarial Weight Attack
Adnan Siraj Rakin, Zhezhi He, Jingtao Li, Fan Yao, Chaitali Chakrabarti and Deliang Fan
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
2021Defeating Cache Timing Channels with Hardware Prefetchers
Hongyu Fang, Sai Santosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE Design and Test (HES Top Picks Special Issue)
2021Red Alert for Power Leakage: Exploiting Intel RAPL-Induced Side Channels
Zhenkai Zhang, Sisheng Liang, Fan Yao and Xing Gao
In ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS)
DeepHammer: Depleting the Intelligence of Deep Neural Networks through Targeted Chain of Bit Flips
Fan Yao, Adnan Siraj Rakin and Deliang Fan
In USENIX Security
2020BranchSpec: Information Leakage Attacks Exploiting Speculative Branch Instruction Executions
Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy, Hang Liu and Fan Yao
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)
2020Inter-Task Cache Interference Aware Partitioned Real-Time Scheduling
Zhishan Guo, Kecheng Yang, Fan Yao and Amro Awad
In ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC)
2020Cache-Zoomer: On-demand High-resolution Cache Monitoring for Security
Hongyu Fang, Sai Santosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In Journal of Hardware and Systems Security (HaSS).
Leveraging Cache Management Hardware for Practical Defense against Cache Timing Channel Attacks
Fan Yao, Hongyu Fang, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE Micro
2019COTSknight: Practical Defense against Cache Timing Channel Attacks using Cache Monitoring and Partitioning Technologies
Fan Yao, Hongyu Fang, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
2019Are Crossbar Memories Secure? New Security Vulnerabilities in Crossbar Memories
Vamsee Reddy Kommareddy, Baogang Zhang, Fan Yao, Rickard Ewetz, and Amro Awad
In IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL)
2019HolDCSim: A Holistic Simulator for Data Centers
Fan Yao, Hongyu Fang, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC)
2019XBFS: eXploring Runtime Optimizations for Breadth-First Search on GPUs
Anil Gaihre, Zhenlin Wu, Fan Yao and Hang Liu
In ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC)
2019PowerStar: Improving Power Efficiency in Heterogenous Processors for Bursty Workloads with Approximate Computing
Sai Santhosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE Cloudcom
2019Negative Correlation, Non-linear Filtering, and Discovering of Repetitiveness for Cache Timing Channel Detection
Hongyu Fang, Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Are Coherence Protocol States vulnerable to Information Leakage?
Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA)
2018Prefetch-guard: Leveraging Hardware Prefetchers to Defend against Cache Timing Channels
Hongyu Fang, Sai Santosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST)
2018Covert Timing Channels Exploiting Cache Coherence Hardware: Characterization and Defense
Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki, Guru Venkataramani
In Springer International Journal on Parallel Programming (IJPP)
2018PrODACT: Prefetch-Obfuscator to Defend Against Cache Timing Channels
Hongyu Fang, Sai Santosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki, Guru Venkataramani
In Springer International Journal on Parallel Programming (IJPP)
2018A Noise-resilient Detection Method against Advanced Cache Timing Channel Attacks
Hongyu Fang, Sai Santosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Milos Doroslovacki and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ACSSC)
2018TS-BatPro: Improving Energy Efficiency in Data Centers by Leveraging Temporal-spatial Batching
Fan Yao, Jingxin Wu, Guru Venkataramani and Suresh Subramaniam
In IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN)
2018PopCorns: Power Optimization using a Cooperative Network-Server approach for Data Centers
Bingqian Lu, Sai Santosh Dayapule, Fan Yao, Jingxin Wu, Guru Venkataramani and Suresh Subramaniam
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN)
StatSym: Vulnerable Path Discovery through Statistics-guided Symbolic Execution
Fan Yao, Yongbo Li, Yurong Chen, Hongfa Xue, Tian Lan and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
2017WASP: Workload Adaptive Energy-Latency Optimization in Server Farms using Server Low-Power States
Fan Yao, Jingxin Wu, Suresh Subramaniam and Guru Venkataramanix
In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)
2017TS-Bat: Leveraging Temporal-spatial Batching for Data Center Energy Optimization
Fan Yao, Jingxin Wu, Guru Venkataramani and Suresh Subramaniam
2017Covert Timing Channels Exploiting Non-Uniform Memory Access based Architectures
Fan Yao, Guru Venkataramani and Milos Doroslovacki
In the ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI)
2017SIMBER: Eliminating Redundant Memory Bound Checks via Statistical Inference
Hongfa Xue, Yurong Chen, Fan Yao, Yongbo Li, Tian Lan and Guru Venkataramani
In IFIP Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP-SEC)
SARRE: Semantics-Aware Rule Recommendation and Enforcement for Event Paths on Android
Yongbo Li, Fan Yao, Tian Lan and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE Transaction on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS)
A Dual Delay Timer Strategy for Optimizing Server Farm Energy
Fan Yao, Jingxin Wu, Guru Venkataramani and Suresh Subramaniam
In IEEE CloudCom
2015Semantics-Aware Rule Recommendation and Enforcement for Event Paths on Android
Yongbo Li, Fan Yao, Tian Lan and Guru Venkataramani
In EAI SecureComm (SecureComm)
A Comparative Analysis of Data Center Network Architectures
Fan Yao, Jingxin Wu, Guru Venkataramani and Suresh Subramaniam
In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
Watts-inside: A Hardware-Software Cooperative Approach for Multicore Power Debugging
Jie Chen, Fan Yao and Guru Venkataramani
In IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)
2013JOP-alarm: Detecting Jump-oriented Programming-based anomalies in applications
Fan Yao, Jie Chen and Guru Venkataramani