Current Team Members

Md Hafizul Islam Chowdhuryy

Md Hafizul (Reyad) Chowdhuryy’s research area is in computer architecture with a focus in secure computing system and emerging memory architecture. Reyad obtained the MEng. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Reyad completed his PhD in Summer 2024 at UCF CASR Lab.

Kunbei Cai
PhD Student

Kunbei’s research interests are in the areas of ML/AI security and hardware security. Prior to joining UCF, he obtained M.Sc. degree in University of Electronic Science and Technology of China.

Jafar Vafaei
PhD Student

Jafar’s research interests are in the area of AI accelerator designs and secure processor architecture. Before joining UCF, he obtained the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran.

Sagor Biswas
PhD Student

Sagor’s research interests are in the areas of ML/AI security and computer architecture. He received his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET).

Team Alumni

Chase Harwell
Casey Newcomer
Elier Bermudez
Gustavo Diaz Galeas